Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Making Progress in Going Backwards

“Since March of 2016, four fire service personnel have been killed by emergency response vehicles that were backing up.” That is the first line of new training information and a video from How many near misses and how much property damage were also the result of emergency vehicles backing up?

U.S. Fire Administrator Keith Bryant writes, “There is no excuse for needlessly increasing the dangers to firefighters by not using recognized safety procedures while backing up. Death and injuries from our own vehicles is tragic and unacceptable. I call on all firefighters and fire department leaders to implement these safety procedures and use them immediately.” has compelling information on backing procedures available online, including an 11-minute video. The video drives home the need for standardized signals and procedures, including what to do when the driver no longer sees the spotter in the mirror, which happens frequently.

But there is a need to do more than just watch the video. Departments need to have a standardized backing procedure that is reinforced by training and diligent enforcement. It’s about doing it the same way every time, whether backing into the station or up to a drop tank.

Here is link to the article, the video, and also a document of best practices:

A big shout out goes to and all the good work they do.

Up next: Fentanyl Exposure Risks—A New “Did You Know?”

Stay safe,

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