Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Training Opportunity - ICAT

The Police Executive Research Forum (PERF) and the Bureau of Criminal Apprehension (BCA) are partnering to bring important new law enforcement training to Minnesota. It’s called ICAT, which stands for Integrating Communications, Assessment, and Tactics. ICAT has four key areas of focus: patrol officer response; non-firearms response; integration of crisis areas recognition-intervention, communications, and tactics; and officer safety and wellness.

In recent months, PERF has hosted four national meetings on how to implement their new ICAT training guide. Approximately 1,100 law enforcement professionals, representing more than 425 agencies, attended the sessions in New Orleans, Baltimore, Los Angeles, and Camden County (NJ). Given the continued interest in ICAT, they are now bringing the training to St. Paul.

Here is a description of this training from their materials:

ICAT is an integrated training approach designed to help officers safely and effectively defuse many types of encounters, especially incidents involving persons who are unarmed or are armed with weapons other than firearms and who may be experiencing a mental health or other crisis. Feedback from our sessions has been positive, and many agencies have either implemented ICAT or are in the process of doing so.

The Minnesota meeting will be held on November 15 at the University of St. Thomas campus in St. Paul. Find more information here on ICAT and how to register for the Minnesota implementation meeting.

Here is a news report on the success of ICAT in New Jersey.

Up next: A Look at Public Safety Work Comp Numbers

Stay safe,

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