Friday, January 8, 2016

Stretch ‘N Bend Program for Police: 2015 IACP CONFERENCE

LMCIT Public Safety Specialist Tracy Stille,
pictured at the 2015 IACP Conference.
Guest blog by LMCIT Public Safety Specialist Tracy Stille

I was invited to attend the 2015 IACP Conference in Chicago, Illinois this past October and walked away with many ideas after having countless conversations for improving the health and wellness of sworn police officers, as well as non-sworn police staff.

I presented in the IACP Wellness Zone on the Stretch ‘N Bend Program for Police. This is a program that is being promoted by the League of Minnesota Cities Insurance Trust (LMCIT) and was created to reduce worker injuries. It is modeled after the Stretch ‘N Bend program of Mortenson Construction.

With the help of a roll-call PowerPoint presentation showing how to complete the exercises, the Stretch ‘N Bend is an onsite stretching program that encourages all employees to participate. With a goal to reduce—if not eliminate—worker injuries, the exercise program has been requested by many police and fire departments, and the feedback has been positive.

It is recommended that the Stretch ‘N Bend program be conducted during the shift briefings that most police and fire departments hold. These stretching programs typically do not last longer than 10 minutes and are led by a designated volunteer or shift supervisor. 

Some of the benefits of taking the time to stretch your muscles are that stretching prepares your body for work activities, increases your flexibility, promotes better blood circulation, improves your range of motion, enhances muscle coordination and body awareness, delays muscle fatigue, reduces the incidence and severity of injury, and increases team morale.

Free Stretch ‘N Bend Program PowerPoint

Would you be interested in learning more about this Stretch ‘N Bend program for everyday use within your police or fire department? Please email me, and I will send you a free PowerPoint template that outlines the exercise program and can be personalized for your agency’s use.

You can send your requests, questions, or comments to or (651) 215-4051.

                                     Remember: Responder Safety = Public Safety

Up Next: Drones, What’s Up?

In the meantime, stay safe and be careful.


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