Wednesday, October 16, 2013

2013 Fall Police Workshops

Randy Means answers an officer's question.
The evaluations said “Very well done, A+.” “This was an excellent course for sergeants and up.” “Groups discussions were good, and the time was well spent.”

We want to thank all of you who attended the 2013 Police Workshops with Randy Means last week. This year we offered a one-day class in the original format in Fergus Falls. We also offered a two-day class that allowed for more group discussion and problem solving in Shakopee and White Bear Lake. 

It was interesting to watch as Means led the classes through a review of their priorities for officer safety. Interpersonal communication skills almost always came out on the top of the list, and firearms proficiency was toward the bottom of list. Police officer physical and mental fitness also was ranked near the top of the list every time.

Reviewing the risk management continuum.
Mr. Means addressed some familiar themes, including “minor misconduct unchecked leads to major misconduct” and “how to complain up the chain of command but not down.”  He instructed officers to review 4th amendment complaints with a focus on constitutional law, and stressed the importance of reviewing the “core transaction” that preceded the frisk, detention, or use of force. He teased the class with the question: “How much force can you use in a house that you are not legally inside?”

All of the classes filled, and we apologize to the officers on the waiting lists who were not able to attend. We anticipate bringing Randy Means back next fall.

Again, we thank all who attended and look forward to our 2014 Spring Loss Control Workshops this coming March and April.


                                                Responder Safety = Public Safety

Up next…The Rescue on the Range

In the meantime, stay safe and be careful.


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